Monday, 20 March 2017

30 poems in April

Awaiting NaPoWriMo with anticipation. This will be my fourth year of writing poetry in the month of April. My March declutter will continue but unblogged.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Monday, 13 March 2017

Declutter diary

Filed all my music [Monday group] in plastic sleeves so can find it easier, also put in alphabetical order

Declutter diary


Declutter diary


A huge pile of ironing, ironed or folded and ready to put away, until the next load of washing done!

Declutter diary


To throw away items which may be not quite empty seems to be a struggle for me but was able to discard empty and out of date or never used items. Added suncream as I will use it daily if in plain sight. A thorough clean too.

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Declutter diary

Three half used packs of month old potatoes removed for food recycling.

Declutter diary

Unused bath bombs,several years old, time for disposal.

Declutter diary


My French penfriend has sent me two lovely French colouring books so this English book is winging its way to France.

Declutter diary


This is not a daily diary or declutter on a daily basis so a title change is in order but March as the beginning of Spring is still a good month to re organise, clean and remove clutter!

The fridge before  removing vegetables and fruit no longer edible and jars of jam and sauce which had lurked at the back and were way out of date. A good clean also as much needed.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Daily declutter diary

Day six
Lower picture shows the clutter in our below stairs area with inability to find anything in the clutter, above after an afternoon of sorting and moving books and photo albums to cleared bookcase upstairs. Able to throw away some rubbish too.Now a lot clearer, organiZed and accessible if still a bit cluttered.

Daily declutter diary

day five
 Two to register from Poland and China
to join the pile in my desk drawer
Those already photographed for postcards of the world transfer to here.

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Daily declutter diary

Day four
A new home for Malaysian coffee

Daily declutter diary

Day three
A clump of snowdrops dug up from my front garden and given to a friend whose bulbs have been decimated by squirrels. These ones in photo were given to me by my Aunty.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Daily Decutter diary

Day two
Just joined a knitting club , knitting for charity sales and was able to donate the patterned squares my daughter and I knitted with the aim of making a blanket. Sadly our initial enthusiasm waned, not helped by the fact that our knitting gages were very different. They were gratefully received by organiser Bobby and I enjoyed my first group knitting experience and the opportunity to try new small projects and use some of my wool stash.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Daily declutter diary

Day one

Adult children often have a multitude of childhood possessions in their parents house even after they have moved out for several years so on her last visit my daughter and I made a start on her room by sorting her bookcase for books she no longer wanted. The result was two boxes which have now been dispatched to a local charity shop and a bookcase now only one quarter full.